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One Piece characters

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The protagonists of the One Piece series are part of the Straw Hat Pirates, or Straw Hats, a crew of pirates founded and captained by Monkey D. Luffy. Starting out with Luffy alone the crew's number grows throughout the series as Luffy keeps recruiting new members.
[edit] Monkey D. Luffy
Main article: Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī D. Rufi?), nicknamed Straw Hat Luffy (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi?), is the 17 year-old captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and primary protagonist of the One Piece series. At the beginning of the series, he accidentally eats a devil fruit called the Gum-Gum Fruit, causing his body to gain the properties of highly stretchable rubber.ch.1 These properties are a result of Oda's desire for the fighting style to be silly, so that no matter how tense a situation gets, the reader can relax without becoming stressed out.[1] After his life is saved by Shanks when he is seven years old, Luffy decides to achieve the tantamount goals of finding the series' titular treasure and succeeding Gold Roger as King of the Pirates.ch.1 Ten years later, wearing Shanks' straw hat, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly hidden.ch.7 Luffy ranked first in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] He is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.1 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Bella Hudson for 4Kids Entertainmentep.1 and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation Entertainment.ep.1
[edit] Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ?, "Roronoa Zolo" in several versions), named after François l'Olonnais,ch.28 nicknamed Pirate Hunter Zoro (海賊狩りのゾロ, Kaizoku-Gari no Zoro?),[citation needed] is a skilled swordsman who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third in his mouth.ch.5 To fulfill a promise he made to childhood friend and rival, Kuina,ch.5 he wants to become the world's greatest swordsman by defeating Mihawk.ch.50 Before joining Luffy, he made a living by bounty hunting.ch.2 He joins Luffy's crew in exchange for his aid in escaping execution.ch.5–6 He makes it clear that he would turn on his captain if he ever stepped between him and his dream ch.6. His enourmous physical strength is enough to lift a building, as well as inhumanly heavy weights on a regular basis.ch.194 During a fight with Baroque Works officer agent Daz Bonez (or Mr. 1), he learns how to cut through solid steel.ch.195 He can employ an "Asura" technique which gives him three faces and six arms, thus totaling nine swords.ch.417 In addition, Zoro can expand the muscle mass of his arms.ch.416 He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink.

Zoro ranked second in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] Furthermore, in a 2007 poll by Oricon, Zoro was voted as the 4th most desired character to receive a spinoff.[5] DVD Talk praises Zoro's "hilarious" three-sword fighting style as a great example of the show's sense of humor.[6] Holly Ellingwood from Activeanime praised Zoro's fight against Luffy as one of the best moments from the 10th DVD from the series released by Viz Media, praising the action scenes.[7] Zoro is voiced by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.2 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Marc Diraison for 4Kidsep.2 and by Christopher Sabat for Funimation.ep.2 Sabat's work with Zoro has resulted in him being a nominated of the category "Best Voice Actor (English)" in the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) Awards from 2008.[8] Carl Kimlinger from Anime News Network commented on Sabat's work with Zoro as a "standout", noting that Zoro and Sabat are "well-matched.[9] Kimlinger also found that his along with Sanji's flashbacks from the anime "really do jerk tears, even if they are less than gracefully executed".[10]
[edit] Nami

Nami (ナミ?), nicknamed "Thief-Cat Nami" (泥棒猫のナミ, Dorobō Neko no Nami; Nami the Navigator in 4kids dub) is the crew's 18-year-oldch.27 navigator and thief. She has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather up to the point of sheer intuition.ch.130 She is also an excellent pickpocket.ch.95 Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world.ch.77 Throughout the series, Nami fights using a bō-like staff that is made up of three connectable segments. Usopp later provides her with a version of this weapon capable of controlling weather, called the Clima-Takt (天候棒, Kurima Takuto?, renamed as "Climate Baton" in the English manga and as "Weather Forcer" in the 4Kids dub).ch.190 Even later, Usopp augments the Clima-Takt with dials, making it more powerful.ch.368 Nami ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] Her backstory has been found to be a "touching story" as it "unfolds with a lot of emotion" by Mania Entertainment writer, Jarred Pine. Pine also mentioned Nami was his favorite character from the series, and satisfied with how the manga showed her past.[11] While reviewing the 8th DVD from Viz Media, Activeanime mentioned Nami is one of the best characters from the series as "She’s got guts, smarts, and can heft a mean punch when needed". Like Pined, Activeanime liked Nami's background and added that his "itty bitty heart went out to her".[12] Nami is voiced by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.1 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Kerry Williams for 4Kids,ep.1 and by Luci Christian for Funimation.ep.1 In the SPJA 2008, Nami was nominated in the category "Best Female Character".[8]

When a reader asked Oda who Nami is in romantic love with, Oda answered that there will not likely be any romance among the Straw Hat Pirates. Oda explained that he does not portray romance in One Piece as the series is a shōnen comic, and the young boys who read the comic are not interested in romance.[13]
[edit] Usopp

Usopp (ウソップ, Usoppu?), nicknamed "Sogeking", "King of Snipers Sogeking" (狙撃の王様, Sogeki no Ou-sama; "Sniperking" (Viz manga) is the 17-year old marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.42 His name comes from Uso, which means liar in Japanese, and Aesop, the author of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.[citation needed] He is a liar,ch.27 talented inventor,ch.190 as well as a skilled painterch.42 and sculptor.ch.106 His primary weapon is a slingshot, which he uses to fire various kinds of ammunition, ranging from rotten eggs and shuriken to hot sauce, flaming, and exploding projectiles.ch.332 Later, he creates himself a large, dial-powered slingshot he calls Kabuto (カブト?),ch.465 with which he is able to out range even guns.ch.419 Usopp's father, Yasopp[1], left his family to become a pirate when Usopp was still very young.ch.25 Some time after this, Usopp's mother, Banchina, fell ill. Usopp started telling lies, stating that his father had returned and would be taking them with him. His mother eventually died, but Usopp, in his sadness, continued to lie.ch.41 Despite all this, he does not blame his father for leaving him, but takes pride in his heritage.ch.25 He is inspired by Luffy, Zoro, and Nami and decides to go out to sea,ch.40 following his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea".ch.100 His weakness as a fighter weighs heavily upon himch.331 and when after the crew is defeated and almost destroyed by Admiral Aokiji,ch.320,321 Luffy decides to replace the badly damaged Going Merry (ゴーイングメリー号, Gōingu Merī-gō?, Merry Go in the English manga and 4Kids dub),ch.331 the Straw Hats' first ship, which is given to them by Usopp's friend Kaya,ch.41 a girl from his village that he used to cheer up with his lies,ch.24 Usopp goes so far as to temporarily leave the crew.ch.331,438

Usopp ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males.[5] In a review of Funimation Entertainment's second DVD release for Mania Entertainment, Bryce Coulter notes that Usopp "brings lots of comic relief to the series", but also comments that he "can be down right annoying at times."[14] Usopp is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.9 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kidsep.9 and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.ep.9
[edit] Sanji
"Sanji" redirects here. For the music video director, see Sanji (director). For the seiyū, see Sanji Hase.

Sanji (サンジ?), nicknamed "Black Leg Sanji"(黒脚のサンジ, Kuro Ashi no Sanji),ch.435 is the crew's 19-year-oldch.55 chef. He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience,ch.58 so he will never refuse someone a meal.ch.48 He has a strong sense of chivalry, because of which, he will never harm a woman, even if he dies.ch.403 Sanji also seems to keep this code regardless of a woman's appearance.ch.453 His dream is to find the All Blue (オールブルー, Ōru Burū?, "Great Blue" in the 4Kids dub), a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the world.ch.57 Sanji is also a very skilled fighter who uses only kicks. He said that this is because a chef's hands are his most prized possessions and should not be risked in battle.ch.370 Sanji ranked in the Top 5 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.20 In the English dubs, he is voiced by David Moo for 4Kidsep.19 and by Eric Vale for Funimation.ep.20
[edit] Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, TonÄ« TonÄ« Choppā?), nicknamed "Cotton Candy Lover" (わたあめ大好きのチョッパã�
�¼, Wataame Daisuki no Choppā) is the 15-year-old doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.154 He is a blue-nosed reindeer who gained human properties by eating the zoan-type devil fruit called the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実, Hito Hito no Mi?).ch.140 The fruit-granted ability allows him to change between three forms. His first and original form is that of a reindeer. In his second form, he has the proportions of a human child, while retaining his antlers, hooves, and fur. In his third form, he looks like a brawny man with fur. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball (ランブル・ボール, Ranburu Booru?), which allows him to assume four additional forms for the duration of three minutes. These forms focus on certain aspects of his body to improve his physical abilities. These are broken down into "points" in the Japanese and Funimation versions and "boost" in the Viz and 4kids versions called: guard, horn, jumping, and arm point with the original three becoming walk, brain, and heavy point.ch.149,186 If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he cannot control his transformations.ch.406 If he uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into a monstrous version of himself and loses all self-control called "Monster Point".ch.407 He also has the ability to understand other animals' speech, because he is an animal himself.ch.154 What he is not capable of, however, is hiding his feelings.ch.140

When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless.[15] An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series and said that he was able to be both touching and funny.[16] Chopper ranked in the Top 5 of both Shōnen Jump character popularity polls since the character's introduction.[3][4] Chopper is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.83 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Lisa Ortiz for 4Kidsep.51 and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.[17]

Oda said that the message he wanted to illustrate in regards to Chopper's family situation is that a person who is not blood-related to another person can still be considered as a member of one's family.[13]
[edit] Nico Robin

Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin?), nicknamed "Demon Child" (悪魔の子, Akuma no Ko) by the World Government is the 28 years old archeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.218 Growing up on the island Ohara (オハラ?), home of the world's largest and oldest library, she became an archeologist at age eightch.391,392 and learned how to decipher the writings on the ancient stones called Poneglyph (歴史の本文, Pōnegurifu?), which are scattered around the world. After the World Government destroyed Ohara for housing archeologists, researching these stones,ch.395 Robin spent twenty years on the run, cooperating with various pirates and other outlaws and became a member of Baroque Works nicknamed as "Ms. All-Sunday" (ミス・オールサンデー, Misu Ōrusandē; Ms. Sunday (4Kids dub) at the time, being briefly an antagonist to the Straw Hat Pirates before joining them.ch.398 Like the scholars of Ohara before her, it is her dream to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph (真の歴史の本文, Rio Pōnegurifu?), which is said to tell the world's lost history.ch.218 Her devotion to history and its preservation goes so far that she will even risk her life to protect ancient artifacts and buildings.ch.264 She ate the Flower-Flower Fruit (ハナハナの実, Hana Hana no Mi?), allowing her to create copies of any of her body parts on any surface that she can see.ch.170 However, if her replicated parts are hurt, she feels the pain on her actual body.ch.265 She is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.67 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Veronica Taylor for 4Kidsep.47 and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.ep.144
[edit] Franky

Franky (フランキー, Furankī?), nicknamed "Cyborg" Franky ("サイボーグ"フランキー, "Saibōgu" Furankī?),ch.435 is the 34 year old shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.437 After his pirate parents abandoned him at age ten,ch.427 he became an apprentice of the master shipwright Tom.ch.354 When eventually Tom was taken away as a criminal by the government for building Gold Roger's ship, Franky tried to stop them.ch.357 In the attempt, he was severely injured and, in order to survive, had to exchange parts of his body with replacements made of scrap metal,ch.358 turning himself into a cola-powered cyborg.ch.336,339 Franky, thus, gained an artificial body which grants him super-human strength.ch.418 Its front is heavily armored and insensitive to most attacks, while his back, where he could not reach, remains vulnerable.ch.368 His body is equipped with a wide variety of weapons, including several guns and an extendable right arm.ch.423 His stomach contains a refrigerator compartment that can hold up to three bottles of cola to fuel him and his attacks.ch.368 He can use up large amounts of cola in an instant to launch powerful bursts of air from his arms one move is called the Coup de Vent.ch.338 After word of his death had spread, he cast off his original name, Cutty Flam (カティ・フラム, Kati Furamu?), and became the underground boss Franky.ch.352 His dream is to build a ship, to become its shipwright, and sail it to the end of the world. To that end, he builds the Straw Hats' second ship, the brigantine-rigged sloop-of-war Thousand Sunny (サウザンドサニー号, Sauzando Sanī-gō?), and joins the crew. Franky tends to act tough most of the time like saying his catch phrase "super". However, Franky can get emotional very easy and start to cry, but then denies it.ch.436,437,439 He is voiced by Kazuki Yao in Japanese.ep.233 In English, he is voiced by Patrick Seitz for Funimation.[18]
[edit] Brook

Brook (ブルック, Burukku?), nicknamed "Dead Bones Brook",ch.489 is the 88-year old musician of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.489 He is a skeleton, resurrected by the Revive-Revive Fruit (ヨミヨミの実, Yomi Yomi no Mi?), a paramecia-type devil fruit, which grants its eater a second life.ch.443 He is an excellent musician, who claims being able to play any instrument,ch.486 and a skilled fencer, who uses a shikomizue, a Japanese cane sword, in battle.ch.454 His lightweight skeleton body allows him to jump extraordinarily highch.493 and to run across water.ch.443 His gentlemanly impression stands in stark contrast to his incredibly bad manners: He bluntly requests to see women's panties, helps himself to people's food, and belches out loud on the dinner table.ch.442,443 When Brook's former crew, the Rumbar Pirates, entered the Grand Line, they left their pet whale Laboon behind at Reverse Mountain, promising to return after sailing around the world.ch.487 Fifty years later, Brook, being the only survivor, considers it his duty to fulfill his former crew's promise.ch.459 The idea of a skeleton musician was first conceived by Oda in the year 2000.[19] Brook is voiced by Chō in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.339 He does not yet have an English voice, as the English dub has yet to reach that far into the series.
Demonj Uploaded by Demonj on . One Piece characters - Desktop Nexus Anime Download free wallpapers and background images: One Piece characters. Desktop Nexus Anime background ID 315913. The protagonists of the One Piece series are part of the Straw Hat Pirates, or Straw Hats, a crew of pirates founded and captained by Monkey D. Luffy. Starting out with Luffy alone the crew's number grows throughout the series as Luffy keeps recruiting new members.
[edit] Monkey D. Luffy
Main article: Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī D. Rufi?), nicknamed Straw Hat Luffy (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi?), is the 17 year-old captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and primary protagonist of the One Piece series. At the beginning of the series, he accidentally eats a devil fruit called the Gum-Gum Fruit, causing his body to gain the properties of highly stretchable rubber.ch.1 These properties are a result of Oda's desire for the fighting style to be silly, so that no matter how tense a situation gets, the reader can relax without becoming stressed out.[1] After his life is saved by Shanks when he is seven years old, Luffy decides to achieve the tantamount goals of finding the series' titular treasure and succeeding Gold Roger as King of the Pirates.ch.1 Ten years later, wearing Shanks' straw hat, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly hidden.ch.7 Luffy ranked first in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] He is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.1 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Bella Hudson for 4Kids Entertainmentep.1 and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation Entertainment.ep.1
[edit] Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ?, "Roronoa Zolo" in several versions), named after François l'Olonnais,ch.28 nicknamed Pirate Hunter Zoro (海賊狩りのゾロ, Kaizoku-Gari no Zoro?),[citation needed] is a skilled swordsman who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third in his mouth.ch.5 To fulfill a promise he made to childhood friend and rival, Kuina,ch.5 he wants to become the world's greatest swordsman by defeating Mihawk.ch.50 Before joining Luffy, he made a living by bounty hunting.ch.2 He joins Luffy's crew in exchange for his aid in escaping execution.ch.5–6 He makes it clear that he would turn on his captain if he ever stepped between him and his dream ch.6. His enourmous physical strength is enough to lift a building, as well as inhumanly heavy weights on a regular basis.ch.194 During a fight with Baroque Works officer agent Daz Bonez (or Mr. 1), he learns how to cut through solid steel.ch.195 He can employ an "Asura" technique which gives him three faces and six arms, thus totaling nine swords.ch.417 In addition, Zoro can expand the muscle mass of his arms.ch.416 He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink.

Zoro ranked second in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] Furthermore, in a 2007 poll by Oricon, Zoro was voted as the 4th most desired character to receive a spinoff.[5] DVD Talk praises Zoro's "hilarious" three-sword fighting style as a great example of the show's sense of humor.[6] Holly Ellingwood from Activeanime praised Zoro's fight against Luffy as one of the best moments from the 10th DVD from the series released by Viz Media, praising the action scenes.[7] Zoro is voiced by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.2 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Marc Diraison for 4Kidsep.2 and by Christopher Sabat for Funimation.ep.2 Sabat's work with Zoro has resulted in him being a nominated of the category "Best Voice Actor (English)" in the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) Awards from 2008.[8] Carl Kimlinger from Anime News Network commented on Sabat's work with Zoro as a "standout", noting that Zoro and Sabat are "well-matched.[9] Kimlinger also found that his along with Sanji's flashbacks from the anime "really do jerk tears, even if they are less than gracefully executed".[10]
[edit] Nami

Nami (ナミ?), nicknamed "Thief-Cat Nami" (泥棒猫のナミ, Dorobō Neko no Nami; Nami the Navigator in 4kids dub) is the crew's 18-year-oldch.27 navigator and thief. She has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather up to the point of sheer intuition.ch.130 She is also an excellent pickpocket.ch.95 Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world.ch.77 Throughout the series, Nami fights using a bō-like staff that is made up of three connectable segments. Usopp later provides her with a version of this weapon capable of controlling weather, called the Clima-Takt (天候棒, Kurima Takuto?, renamed as "Climate Baton" in the English manga and as "Weather Forcer" in the 4Kids dub).ch.190 Even later, Usopp augments the Clima-Takt with dials, making it more powerful.ch.368 Nami ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] Her backstory has been found to be a "touching story" as it "unfolds with a lot of emotion" by Mania Entertainment writer, Jarred Pine. Pine also mentioned Nami was his favorite character from the series, and satisfied with how the manga showed her past.[11] While reviewing the 8th DVD from Viz Media, Activeanime mentioned Nami is one of the best characters from the series as "She’s got guts, smarts, and can heft a mean punch when needed". Like Pined, Activeanime liked Nami's background and added that his "itty bitty heart went out to her".[12] Nami is voiced by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.1 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Kerry Williams for 4Kids,ep.1 and by Luci Christian for Funimation.ep.1 In the SPJA 2008, Nami was nominated in the category "Best Female Character".[8]

When a reader asked Oda who Nami is in romantic love with, Oda answered that there will not likely be any romance among the Straw Hat Pirates. Oda explained that he does not portray romance in One Piece as the series is a shōnen comic, and the young boys who read the comic are not interested in romance.[13]
[edit] Usopp

Usopp (ウソップ, Usoppu?), nicknamed "Sogeking", "King of Snipers Sogeking" (狙撃の王様, Sogeki no Ou-sama; "Sniperking" (Viz manga) is the 17-year old marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.42 His name comes from Uso, which means liar in Japanese, and Aesop, the author of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.[citation needed] He is a liar,ch.27 talented inventor,ch.190 as well as a skilled painterch.42 and sculptor.ch.106 His primary weapon is a slingshot, which he uses to fire various kinds of ammunition, ranging from rotten eggs and shuriken to hot sauce, flaming, and exploding projectiles.ch.332 Later, he creates himself a large, dial-powered slingshot he calls Kabuto (カブト?),ch.465 with which he is able to out range even guns.ch.419 Usopp's father, Yasopp[1], left his family to become a pirate when Usopp was still very young.ch.25 Some time after this, Usopp's mother, Banchina, fell ill. Usopp started telling lies, stating that his father had returned and would be taking them with him. His mother eventually died, but Usopp, in his sadness, continued to lie.ch.41 Despite all this, he does not blame his father for leaving him, but takes pride in his heritage.ch.25 He is inspired by Luffy, Zoro, and Nami and decides to go out to sea,ch.40 following his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea".ch.100 His weakness as a fighter weighs heavily upon himch.331 and when after the crew is defeated and almost destroyed by Admiral Aokiji,ch.320,321 Luffy decides to replace the badly damaged Going Merry (ゴーイングメリー号, Gōingu Merī-gō?, Merry Go in the English manga and 4Kids dub),ch.331 the Straw Hats' first ship, which is given to them by Usopp's friend Kaya,ch.41 a girl from his village that he used to cheer up with his lies,ch.24 Usopp goes so far as to temporarily leave the crew.ch.331,438

Usopp ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males.[5] In a review of Funimation Entertainment's second DVD release for Mania Entertainment, Bryce Coulter notes that Usopp "brings lots of comic relief to the series", but also comments that he "can be down right annoying at times."[14] Usopp is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.9 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kidsep.9 and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.ep.9
[edit] Sanji
"Sanji" redirects here. For the music video director, see Sanji (director). For the seiyū, see Sanji Hase.

Sanji (サンジ?), nicknamed "Black Leg Sanji"(黒脚のサンジ, Kuro Ashi no Sanji),ch.435 is the crew's 19-year-oldch.55 chef. He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience,ch.58 so he will never refuse someone a meal.ch.48 He has a strong sense of chivalry, because of which, he will never harm a woman, even if he dies.ch.403 Sanji also seems to keep this code regardless of a woman's appearance.ch.453 His dream is to find the All Blue (オールブルー, Ōru Burū?, "Great Blue" in the 4Kids dub), a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the world.ch.57 Sanji is also a very skilled fighter who uses only kicks. He said that this is because a chef's hands are his most prized possessions and should not be risked in battle.ch.370 Sanji ranked in the Top 5 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.[2][3][4] He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.20 In the English dubs, he is voiced by David Moo for 4Kidsep.19 and by Eric Vale for Funimation.ep.20
[edit] Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, Tonī Tonī Choppā?), nicknamed "Cotton Candy Lover" (わたあめ大好きのチョッパー, Wataame Daisuki no Choppā) is the 15-year-old doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.154 He is a blue-nosed reindeer who gained human properties by eating the zoan-type devil fruit called the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実, Hito Hito no Mi?).ch.140 The fruit-granted ability allows him to change between three forms. His first and original form is that of a reindeer. In his second form, he has the proportions of a human child, while retaining his antlers, hooves, and fur. In his third form, he looks like a brawny man with fur. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball (ランブル・ボール, Ranburu Booru?), which allows him to assume four additional forms for the duration of three minutes. These forms focus on certain aspects of his body to improve his physical abilities. These are broken down into "points" in the Japanese and Funimation versions and "boost" in the Viz and 4kids versions called: guard, horn, jumping, and arm point with the original three becoming walk, brain, and heavy point.ch.149,186 If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he cannot control his transformations.ch.406 If he uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into a monstrous version of himself and loses all self-control called "Monster Point".ch.407 He also has the ability to understand other animals' speech, because he is an animal himself.ch.154 What he is not capable of, however, is hiding his feelings.ch.140

When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless.[15] An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series and said that he was able to be both touching and funny.[16] Chopper ranked in the Top 5 of both Shōnen Jump character popularity polls since the character's introduction.[3][4] Chopper is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.83 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Lisa Ortiz for 4Kidsep.51 and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.[17]

Oda said that the message he wanted to illustrate in regards to Chopper's family situation is that a person who is not blood-related to another person can still be considered as a member of one's family.[13]
[edit] Nico Robin

Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin?), nicknamed "Demon Child" (悪魔の子, Akuma no Ko) by the World Government is the 28 years old archeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.218 Growing up on the island Ohara (オハラ?), home of the world's largest and oldest library, she became an archeologist at age eightch.391,392 and learned how to decipher the writings on the ancient stones called Poneglyph (歴史の本文, Pōnegurifu?), which are scattered around the world. After the World Government destroyed Ohara for housing archeologists, researching these stones,ch.395 Robin spent twenty years on the run, cooperating with various pirates and other outlaws and became a member of Baroque Works nicknamed as "Ms. All-Sunday" (ミス・オールサンデー, Misu Ōrusandē; Ms. Sunday (4Kids dub) at the time, being briefly an antagonist to the Straw Hat Pirates before joining them.ch.398 Like the scholars of Ohara before her, it is her dream to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph (真の歴史の本文, Rio Pōnegurifu?), which is said to tell the world's lost history.ch.218 Her devotion to history and its preservation goes so far that she will even risk her life to protect ancient artifacts and buildings.ch.264 She ate the Flower-Flower Fruit (ハナハナの実, Hana Hana no Mi?), allowing her to create copies of any of her body parts on any surface that she can see.ch.170 However, if her replicated parts are hurt, she feels the pain on her actual body.ch.265 She is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.67 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Veronica Taylor for 4Kidsep.47 and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.ep.144
[edit] Franky

Franky (フランキー, Furankī?), nicknamed "Cyborg" Franky ("サイボーグ"フランキー, "Saibōgu" Furankī?),ch.435 is the 34 year old shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.437 After his pirate parents abandoned him at age ten,ch.427 he became an apprentice of the master shipwright Tom.ch.354 When eventually Tom was taken away as a criminal by the government for building Gold Roger's ship, Franky tried to stop them.ch.357 In the attempt, he was severely injured and, in order to survive, had to exchange parts of his body with replacements made of scrap metal,ch.358 turning himself into a cola-powered cyborg.ch.336,339 Franky, thus, gained an artificial body which grants him super-human strength.ch.418 Its front is heavily armored and insensitive to most attacks, while his back, where he could not reach, remains vulnerable.ch.368 His body is equipped with a wide variety of weapons, including several guns and an extendable right arm.ch.423 His stomach contains a refrigerator compartment that can hold up to three bottles of cola to fuel him and his attacks.ch.368 He can use up large amounts of cola in an instant to launch powerful bursts of air from his arms one move is called the Coup de Vent.ch.338 After word of his death had spread, he cast off his original name, Cutty Flam (カティ・フラム, Kati Furamu?), and became the underground boss Franky.ch.352 His dream is to build a ship, to become its shipwright, and sail it to the end of the world. To that end, he builds the Straw Hats' second ship, the brigantine-rigged sloop-of-war Thousand Sunny (サウザンドサニー号, Sauzando Sanī-gō?), and joins the crew. Franky tends to act tough most of the time like saying his catch phrase "super". However, Franky can get emotional very easy and start to cry, but then denies it.ch.436,437,439 He is voiced by Kazuki Yao in Japanese.ep.233 In English, he is voiced by Patrick Seitz for Funimation.[18]
[edit] Brook

Brook (ブルック, Burukku?), nicknamed "Dead Bones Brook",ch.489 is the 88-year old musician of the Straw Hat Pirates.ch.489 He is a skeleton, resurrected by the Revive-Revive Fruit (ヨミヨミの実, Yomi Yomi no Mi?), a paramecia-type devil fruit, which grants its eater a second life.ch.443 He is an excellent musician, who claims being able to play any instrument,ch.486 and a skilled fencer, who uses a shikomizue, a Japanese cane sword, in battle.ch.454 His lightweight skeleton body allows him to jump extraordinarily highch.493 and to run across water.ch.443 His gentlemanly impression stands in stark contrast to his incredibly bad manners: He bluntly requests to see women's panties, helps himself to people's food, and belches out loud on the dinner table.ch.442,443 When Brook's former crew, the Rumbar Pirates, entered the Grand Line, they left their pet whale Laboon behind at Reverse Mountain, promising to return after sailing around the world.ch.487 Fifty years later, Brook, being the only survivor, considers it his duty to fulfill his former crew's promise.ch.459 The idea of a skeleton musician was first conceived by Oda in the year 2000.[19] Brook is voiced by Chō in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.339 He does not yet have an English voice, as the English dub has yet to reach that far into the series.
Rating: 5

Wallpaper Comments (4)

Posted by evil_hime on 03/10/12 at 10:09 PM
I like those pirate flag design to each character. Very nice.
Posted by Nyva on 04/05/10 at 08:57 PM
omg that is long....... I though I never reach the bottom.....
Posted by mihaela94 on 03/28/10 at 01:59 PM
Holy cow, that's a long description +1
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